2024-01-23 10:31:24 -
很大气 很中意

2024-01-06 09:01:53 -

2024-01-15 23:23:25 -

2024-01-22 13:50:25 -

2024-01-14 12:53:04 -

2024-01-02 23:34:30 -
质量非常好:MAXCAM高硬度系列包适用于DJI大疆 FPV 套装单肩背包收纳包便携安全保护箱盒配件硬壳斜挎抗压摔防溅水

2024-01-14 20:30:26 -

2024-01-02 04:55:33 -

2024-01-02 13:28:44 -

2024-01-01 19:02:53 -

大自然的盛宴(二)--- 季节交替中的湿地


回首向公园的深处走去。此时的湖边照例游人稀少,刚刚同时下车的一位西人红衣女士手牵她那只宝贝puppy,悠然自得地在岸边漫步。一位华人大叔领着他的棕色卷毛小狗迎面走来,热情活泼的小家伙对着同伴兴奋的吠叫,秃秃短短的小尾巴摇来摇去,恨不得把自己一路走来见到的欢乐都告诉同伴。人行步道的一侧是为孩子们开辟的游戏玩耍区域,一个5,6 岁的小女孩正使尽了吃奶的力气试图爬上摇晃不定的秋千,两个妈妈坐在一旁轻轻地扯闲话。在这个初春的稍有些躁动的午后,有不远处湖水轻拍堤岸的唰唰声相伴,有青草地上高大的嫩黄湖柳和伟岸的常绿松树守候,她们的日子该是平静中蕴含着幸福,忍耐中迎接着希望吧?!

顺着湖边步道继续向前,就到了这片珍稀的湖边湿地。迎接我的是一只站在高高的树梢上的feather friend。它的身体虽小,却体面地站得笔直,口中发出“叽叽咕咕”的鸣叫,像是家园的security guard热情欢迎我的到来。穿过一个小桥,从林间流淌出的溪水悄悄从桥下汇入广阔的大湖。今天的午后,水面很静,几只野鸭正在这个别有洞天的小天地里安详自在的游水,其中一只把自己的头部深深扎进水中,来了个爽快至极的水中捕食。 如果在往日的潮涨潮落时分,小溪中潺潺的溪水会迫不及待的与大湖亲密接触,那时的声音是留在我记忆深处的清脆和愉悦。

今天的湿地仍然是一片冬季的枯败之象,在一个太阳仍旧无力主宰天空的早春四月的下午,白晃晃阳光下的树木枯枝正在无奈地忍受季节变幻的缓慢进程,可栖息在这片湿地中的上百种动物和鸟类却似乎更喜欢在这个安静的午后出来觅食和游戏。 一边沿着步道前进,一边享受着耳边各种feather friend 发出的奇声怪叫,眼睛观察着步道旁各种不同种类的树木和植物,心想上帝真是太仁慈太伟大,创造万物众生,让自然界有这样多种类的万物生存,真是万物竞天下啊! 偶然一转眼,在枯草与干木的林间不远处,一只像中型犬那么大的动物正在弯腰觅食。 它四肢细长,腹部到尾部比较厚实,小小的耳朵挺立在头部两侧,看上去很像小鹿。它的毛色是土黄色的,尾巴两侧是一溜的白毛。只可惜观察距离比较远,没有看到它身上的白色斑点。不过从远处观察它觅食的气质,确定它就应该是公园宣传板上介绍的白尾小鹿。我兴奋的不敢发出声响,踮着脚尖寻找更合适的位置观察它的行动。动物们总是比人类机敏的多,稍稍一点声响都会回头观察周围的环境。它很快发现站在不远处步行道上的我,然后一动不动目不转睛地盯着我。我扬起手中的纱巾对着它来回挥舞,小鹿没有反应;又来回移动自己的位置,这时它会转动头部应着我的动作,姿态萌萌的非常可爱。这时在更远的林间,又一只小鹿出现了,我猜想它们应该是一起出来觅食的一家人吧。这是我第一次在户外同时遇到多只野鹿,心中暗自庆幸今天真是个幸运的日子。可不懂知足常乐的个性还是让我稍感些许遗憾,提醒自己下次来一定要带个望远镜,这样才能远距离仔细观察小动物们的生活。白尾小鹿忙着觅食,我跟它们遥遥相望了一会儿,由于无法亲密相处,只好恋恋不舍的与它们说再会,心中祈祷哪天可以再见到它们。

湖边多云的天空终于放晴了,湿地林间上空一片蔚蓝。靠近居民区一侧的天空,大朵白云在蓝天的映衬下,渐渐形成了万马奔腾,磅礴澎湃的气势,似乎预示着一个壮丽的黄昏正在到来。此时的湖水又变成了令人神往的海蓝色,轻盈的白浪一次又一次温柔的拥抱着沙滩,湖上雾气已渐渐散去,远处岸边景致越来越清晰,我知道这个生机勃勃的地方又迎来了另一个美丽时刻。湖边的中学正在放学,孩子们三三两两穿过公园的步道向家中走去。他们一定会在回家的路上遇到不少自己的好朋友,也许是徘徊在林间的小鹿,也许是围绕青松绿柏上下翻飞活蹦乱跳的松鼠,也许是永远美丽安静的天鹅,更或许是展翅飞翔的海鸥。多么幸运的孩子,童年生活中充满了太多的美丽与乐趣! 我相信他们一定会因着这样幸福的童年而拥有更加广阔美好的情怀,也相信他们一定懂得在未来的人生中为更多人创造同样的美丽。这是大自然对我们的教育,也是我们对大自然灵性相通的感知。 真希望这个世界上拥有这样人生的人会越来越多!


在法国作曲家拉威尔的“波莱罗舞曲 ”中,你是否听到了湖边湿地中那些无法抑制,蓬勃激荡的生命活力?!


My son loved these sneakers. They are comfortable for him.
- Switzerland

Love these shoes.They also fit me perfectly..Will continue to order
- Singapore

Great Shoe! I am pleased with these Nike Air Monarch IV. They fit comfortably.
- Singapore

Very nice shoe doesn't need breaking in for very long about 2 weeks and not so difficult.
- Singapore

These are the the most comfortable shoes and my second pair of this particlar model. I wore the first out.
- Singapore

My 5th pair of Monarch IV. Always a good fit and comfortable. The leather uppers allow me to wear in cooler weather.
- Switzerland

I have flat feet so I need a shoe that doesn't have a large arch for me this is why I buy this sneakers, I can tell you good quality.
- Singapore

WOW!!! Love NIKE!!! Just perfect for my feet!! Love this shoes, you can ware them as casual dressing or for cross training!!! It is like walking on AIR!!!!
- Switzerland

This is about the 4th time that I have purchased these shoes. The other purchases were done from Penneys. They no longer appear to carry my size (square feet) in stock.
- Switzerland

I have bought this same shoe for years so I already know they fit me well. They are comfortable and last a long time. So it's all about price and delivery which are both superior on .Com. I love em! (The shoes that is.)
- Switzerland

2024-01-12 08:58:23--
The headphones are very good, sound quality is good, battery life is long, workmanship is fine, and it is comfortable to wear. I like it very much.

2024-01-12 08:58:06--
The earphones are small and exquisite, very convenient and comfortable to wear, good in sound quality and sensitive in response. I like them very much.

2024-01-12 08:57:21--
Before wearing other headphones, my ears hurt. This one is very comfortable to wear, and its battery life is super powerful. It looks so beautiful, and I like it.

2024-01-12 08:52:46--
product not bad, comply with the description little fault on the front of the shoe, the junction is not very straight, but it goes unnoticed I am generally satisfied

2024-01-12 08:51:56--
very good quality product

2024-01-12 08:50:52--
Very bad no box and bad quality

2024-01-12 08:50:37--
ripped me off sent me 2 pair of shoes that were way to small. they told me buy a 3rd pair and we will send u 2 pair lol so dumb me buys a 3rd pair they tell me the 3rd pair was cheaper than the previous 2 pair so now they canceled order so I have payed $160 and have 2 pair of shoes I can't wear

2024-01-12 08:48:02--
very good quality

2024-01-12 08:47:23--
Shoes as described! Very pleased.

2024-01-12 08:46:33--
Good ankle support and feel good on feet

2024-01-12 08:45:57--
Reasonable price, service in place, timely delivery.

2024-01-12 08:45:40--
The shoes is very casual and fashionable. I really like them.

2024-01-04 19:03:11--
The baby has been received, the description matches, and the logistics is fast! The color is beautiful and the upper foot is very comfortable. I rarely buy shoes online before. I am afraid that I will not fit my feet or feel uncomfortable for various reasons. This time is really an exception. It surprised me unexpectedly. The price is cheap and the quality of the shoes is not bad at all. It really subverts my values!

2024-01-04 19:02:25--
My old pair vs the new pair. Can tell they’re not authentic but for the price 100% worth it. Shipping was fast af to BC Canada too

2024-01-04 18:54:56--
expensive shipping. came with a stain on the shoes.. not what you expect from a brand new pair of shoes. disappointing

2024-01-04 18:52:53--
The shoes are great , but I should have sized down. But they look great.

2024-01-04 18:51:53--
So amazing !

2024-01-04 18:49:10--
Very good quality, very satisfied

2024-01-04 18:48:08--
They look so good! Definitely recommend 10/10

2024-01-04 18:45:59--
Quick delivery and excellent quality! I’ll definitely be using them again.

2024-01-04 18:45:44--
These shoes look exactly like the real ones… there isn’t anything wrong with them.

2024-01-04 18:44:14--
Ordered the wrong size customer service suck! I just wanted to send them back and purchase the correct size. They would not address my question. Just kept saying sorry to hear that. If you order make sure you check the size because you cannot get a refund or exchange. The shoes were nice came quickly.

2024-01-04 18:41:17--
Purchased on 8/26 received on 9/14. Don’t worry bout tracking cause I thought my package was still in China. Overall shoes look good. The color is shiny black not like the original onyx ashy black. Is like the main difference not a one of one. Get your normal size I sized down on a real pair and it was too tight/small. Communication was good when I did ask about tracking.

2024-01-04 18:41:10--
A+ Quality.

2024-01-04 18:41:07--
Very nice quality - thank you x

2024-01-04 18:39:52--
Perfect love them

2024-01-04 18:39:43--
Took 3 month to arrive

2024-01-04 18:39:42--
very good fit great

2024-01-04 18:39:38--
good value for money

2024-01-04 18:39:30--
strongly support!!!!

2024-01-04 18:34:19--
Shoes came in 11 Days My new seller thank for high quality shoes fast delivery!!!

2024-01-04 18:33:47--
A++++ quality as usual! Flawless quality! Box is perfect! Received socks and keychain too! Sup sneakers is the best! Paid for DHL shipping and arrived in USA only 17 days!

2024-01-04 09:23:14--
Great product will over again

2024-01-04 09:22:30--
The glasses are very comfortable, light and stylish.

2024-01-04 09:22:00--
Best communication service.Very good product nicely packed , good .Best seller.

2024-01-04 09:20:01--
Very unsatisfied

2024-01-04 09:18:55--
Amazing quality!

2024-01-04 09:18:52--
Super comfortable

2024-01-04 09:16:12--
shoes very similar to the originals, only very little damaged during the trip, in fact the part adjacent to the toes is a little bit inside, but overall satisfied with the purchase

2024-01-04 09:15:01--
Basketball super well reproduced even the small details are present, I highly recommend this seller

2024-01-04 09:11:51--
Awesome 1 of 1 these look minty just beautiful thank you

2024-01-04 09:08:49--
beautiful bag. well packaged. nothing crushed or ripped. no loose threads. chain is very heavy for its size and long enough for cross body wear. I couldn't be happier.

2024-01-04 09:08:06--
Received the goods, the seller shipped the goods quickly, the logistics were good, the customer service attitude was very good, very patient, and gave people a sense of familiarity. I really like it. There is also exquisite packaging, high-end atmosphere and high-end; From this, it can be seen that businessmen are very careful.

2024-01-04 09:05:08--
I like him very much, and the products. Quality and material is very good. The next time will continue to order in this shop

2024-01-04 09:03:55--
No color difference, well packed, beautiful, the right size

2024-01-04 09:02:59--
My shoes shipment is very well packaged and provided with free packaging. The quality is so amazing that it is almost a highly recommended seller on the spot and will order again.

2024-01-04 09:01:53--
Good sound quality, worth buying.

2024-01-04 09:01:12--
Great ,Very good products thanks for everything

2024-01-04 09:00:51--
It fits perfectly. Exquisite appearance, will buy back.

2024-01-04 08:59:04--
Very good, sound quality is very good, small and exquisite, and endurance is strong.

2024-01-04 08:58:41--
Very good headphones, excellent sound quality, very cost-effective and beautiful appearance.

2024-01-04 08:55:29--
The sound quality is really clear. It takes a long time to use a full grid of power. I have worn my headphones for a day, but the power has only dropped by a small grid. I like to sleep with its noise reduction mode on.

2024-01-04 00:03:02--
Pretty solid bag. Everything looks good.

2024-01-04 00:02:57--
Great quality bag , Made pretty well for the price 👍🏽

2024-01-04 00:02:56--
The pouch inside didn’t come with the logo but it’s still cute

2024-01-04 00:01:46--
looks good..wife loves it

2024-01-04 00:01:36--
It is a very nice wallet. Unfortunately I am lucky that there is an ugly dark stripe on the back, from left to right. That's a shame

2024-01-04 00:01:12--
Very nice, satisfied. Only wish it had a box

2024-01-04 00:00:26--
I will be buying more love them, I hope one day the shipping will be a little early

2024-01-04 00:00:04--
Perfect wow

Displaying 1 to 60 (of 871 reviews)

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